Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Clean Eating Challenge

"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." - unknown idiot

I've never liked this quote. I think whoever said it has never tasted chocolate pie (but that's besides the point).  Who decides what skinny looks like? Who says skinny looks good on everyone? Who decided that being skinny was most important, above all else?  I just hate this quote.  It gives me the heebygeebys every time I read it and makes me, quite honestly, want to go eat more chocolate pie.  Then I saw this, updated, version.

"Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels." - uknown

I still think maybe whoever said this hasn't tasted chocolate pie BUT I'm much more on board with this saying.  Especially as I get older and my body feels every bite of chocolate pie, and tends to let me know it.

The truth is, I do feel a lot better when I eat better.  I feel more energetic, happier, less stressed, just all over better.  I firmly believe in the 80/20 rule when it comes to food and I have never been someone who completely eliminates anything.  It works for some people but it just doesn't work for me and I'm okay with that.

I have found that when I travel it is really hard to eat healthy. I have also found that when I get home from traveling, I tend to bring those not so good eating habits with me and I don't eat very well.

So, since I just came off a two week travel and one week post travel bad eating binge, I decided to do a week of clean eating.  Yep, just one week.  Just to kind of reset my system and get me back on the right track. I want my body to feel good and energized again and I want to feel good about my body again.  So, today started my one week!

I have found that planning ahead is key to sticking to this challenge.  I go to the grocery store and try to shop only on the outside aisles and plan all of my meals for the week.  I prepare them ahead of time and it makes my life so much easier that week, and it also prevents me from making the easy, not so healthy choice when I'm super busy.  I also try to drink only water when I'm doing this clean eating.  Nothing is better for you than drinking a lot of water and it's so simple!

So, wish me luck on my week of clean eating.  I'm hoping it leads to healthier weeks ahead and a happier me! Do you struggle with times of not eating well and feeling tired and unhealthy?  Try this challenge sometime - it's manageable and you'll be surprised by the results of something this simple!

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