Baby Bump at 18 weeks (I have been awful at taking pictures during this pregnancy so this is all I have)
Symptoms: Nausea, still daily unfortunately, now with a side of heartburn. It has subsided some and mostly only hits me at night but it's still there and going strong. I have a feeling I am just one of those unlucky people that will have nausea throughout the entire pregnancy. The heartburn is getting worse daily but I'm learning what triggers it and what calms it. Hopefully I can contain it as much as possible. Tired. I haven't gotten that surge of energy that people talk about but I think that probably goes hand in hand with the continued nausea. Using the bathroom all the time but at least now I know why. During our 20 week ultrasound, we literally watched baby girl kick my bladder. She looked like she was having a blast. Thanks baby girl!
Movement: Baby girl is moving A TON. I started really feeling her about a week and a half ago and she has not stopped. She moves mostly in the morning but also here and there throughout the day, especially if I sit still for a while. Ryan hasn't been able to feel her yet but I can't wait until the first time he feels his daughter move - talk about all the feelings.
Sleep: Besides the heartburn and regular bathroom use, I am actually sleeping pretty well! I bought a pregnancy pillow - the Snoogle - which I am really liking. It helps me from waking up on my back and gives me something to hold onto. Definitely worth the purchase.
Eating: No cravings or repulsions. Avoiding the things that I'm not supposed to eat and trying to figure out what not to eat in order to prevent heartburn, but other than that, pretty much everything is game. I do want salty food way more than sweet, don't have much of a sweet tooth at all.
Nursery: We got the crib and dresser delivered this week and I am in love!! The furniture is from Pottery Barn and it is beautiful and is going to be perfect for her. We got the furniture in soft gray so now we have to pick a paint color and paint the room (I wanted to get it painted but for those of you who know Ryan, he refuses to pay someone to do something that he can do so I wait for him to get home to do the painting). I also have an amazing piece of art for the wall that is supposed to be delivered today and I am dying to see it! Other than that, we still have a lot to do but we wanted to get the big pieces and go from there.
Looking Forward To: Our hospital tour and Infant CPR class in December. I can't wait to see where baby girl will make her entrance into this world and learn all that I can (and hopefully never use) to keep her safe. Also excited to make some progress on the nursery while Ryan has his "off season" and complete our registry! We want to get the registry done before Christmas so that our family can get us stuff off of the registry for Christmas.
That's my update for now! Like I said, I'm so happy to be halfway done and I thank God every day for this healthy baby girl growing inside of me. No matter how I feel and how much I complain, the most important thing is that she is growing and developing and staying healthy! Thanks to everyone for your love and support! Will update again soon!
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